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Proaspăt preparată
Recomandarea Bucătarului / Meniul zilei
O masă completă, zilnic proaspătă, la prețul cel mai mic. | Today's Menu | Menu du jour
Menu of the day
Menu du jour28,00 RON28,00 RON
Menu of the day
Menu du jour28,00 RON28,00 RON
Menu of the day
Menu du jour28,00 RON28,00 RON
Menu of the day
Menu du jour28,00 RON28,00 RON
Menu of the day
Menu du jour28,00 RON28,00 RON
Mic dejun
Breakfast | Petit déjeuner
580 g | Espresso lung 100 ml, Pâine 100 g, Ou 100 g, Roșii 100 g, Șuncă presată de porc 50 g, Cașcaval 50 g, Brânză de vacă 50 g, Dulceață de fructe de pădure 22 g, Unt 65% 8 g30,00 RON30,00 RON
375 g | Salam 75 g, Cașcaval 50 g, Roșii 50 g, Castraveți 50 g, Șuncă presată de porc 50 g, Pâine 100 g30,00 RON30,00 RON
300 g | Pâine 100 g, Ou 50 g, Șuncă presată de porc 40 g, Cașcaval 40 g, Roșii 40 g, Dulceață de fructe de pădure 22 g, Unt 65% 8 g25,00 RON25,00 RON
200 g | Chiflă 100 g, Șuncă presată de porc 40 g, Brânză de vacă 20 g, Roșii 11 g, Castraveți 11 g, Salată verde 10 g, Unt 65% 8 g14,00 RON14,00 RON
300 g | Ou 100 g, Ardei gras 100 g, Șuncă presată de porc 50 g, Brânză de vacă 50 g20,00 RON20,00 RON
160 g | Ou 100 g, Șuncă presată de porc 50 g, Ulei de floarea soarelui 7 ml, Sare 1 g, Piper 1 g, Pătrunjel 1 g18,00 RON18,00 RON
160 g | Ou 100 g, Cașcaval 50 g, Ulei de floarea soarelui 8 ml, Sare 1 g, Piper 1 g18,00 RON18,00 RON
140 g | Ou 100 g, Roșii 10 g, Ceapă 10 g, Ardei kapia 10 g, Ulei de floarea soarelui 7 ml, Sare 1 g, Piper 1 g, Pătrunjel 1 g15,00 RON15,00 RON
100 g | Ou 96 g, Ulei de floarea soarelui 3 ml, Sare 1 g13,00 RON13,00 RON
100 g | Ou 100 g
Fried eggs/ œufs au plat13,00 RON13,00 RON
8 g
Butter |
Beurre6,00 RON6,00 RON
20 g
Jam |
Confiture4,00 RON4,00 RON
50 g
Homemade jam |
Confiture maison7,00 RON7,00 RON
250 ml
Milk |
Lait9,00 RON9,00 RON
Gustări reci
Cold dishes | Plates froids
Mashed beans |
Haricots battus10,00 RON10,00 RON
Mix of cooked vegetable |
Legumes cuits au four10,00 RON10,00 RON
Aubergine salad |
Salade d'aubergines10,00 RON10,00 RON
Caviar salad |
Taboulé10,00 RON10,00 RON
Boeuf salad |
Salade de boeuf10,00 RON10,00 RON
Smoked pork collar |
Viande fumé10,00 RON10,00 RON
Chichen pastrami |
Pastrami du poule10,00 RON10,00 RON
Prague bacon |
Jambon de Prague10,00 RON10,00 RON
Smoked bacon |
Jambon fume10,00 RON10,00 RON
50 g10,00 RON10,00 RON
50 g10,00 RON10,00 RON
50 g10,00 RON10,00 RON
50 g8,00 RON8,00 RON
50 g8,00 RON8,00 RON
Gustări calde
Hot dishes / Plates chaudes
Polenta with sour cream, salty cheese and egg |
Polenta avec crème sure, fromage sale et oeuf20,00 RON20,00 RON
Liver with red sauce, garlic and polenta |
Foie avec sauce rouge, ail et polenta20,00 RON20,00 RON
Liver with wine, garlic and polenta |
Foie au vin, ail et polenta20,00 RON20,00 RON
Fried cheese |
Fromage frit25,00 RON25,00 RON
Ciorbe și supe
Broth and Soups Bortsch and soupes
Tripe soup |
Soupe de tripes24,00 RON24,00 RON
Bean soup with smoked meat |
Soupe de haricots a la viande fumée20,00 RON20,00 RON
Meatball soup |
Soupe aux boletes de viande20,00 RON20,00 RON
Chicken soup with noodles |
Soupe de poulet aux nouilles20,00 RON20,00 RON
Beef soup |
Soupe de boeuf24,00 RON24,00 RON
Pork bone soup |
Soupe d’os de porc20,00 RON20,00 RON
Vegetable soup |
Soupe aux legumes18,00 RON18,00 RON
Friptură de porc
Pork steak Porc biftec
Pork ribs in a cauldron with “Jianca” potatoes, garlic and peasant pickles |
Cotes de porc au chaudron avec des patates “Jianca”,ail et cornichons paysans60,00 RON60,00 RON
Meat in the bucket |
Viande dans le seau35,00 RON35,00 RON
250g/80g/ 100g/ 150g
Pork alms, pork sausage, polenta and peasant pickles |
Aumone de porc, saucisse de porc, polenta et cornichons paysans55,00 RON55,00 RON
House’s stew with egg, polenta and cottage cheese |
Ragout de la maison avec oeuf, polenta et fromage frais35,00 RON35,00 RON
Pork schnitzel |
Schnitzel du porc30,00 RON30,00 RON
Friptură de pui
Chicken steak Biftec poulet
Piept de pui 200g, ciuperci 100g, smantana 50g |
“Jianca” chicken with French fries 350/250g(chicken breast, mushrooms, sour cream) |
Poulet “Jianca” avec des frites 350/250g(poitrine de poulet, champignons, crème fraiche)38,00 RON38,00 RON
Grilled chicken breast |
Poitrine de poulet28,00 RON28,00 RON
Chicken schnitzel |
Schnitzel au poulet28,00 RON28,00 RON
Chicken coop in cauldron with garlic and polenta |
Poulailler in auldron avec ail et polenta30,00 RON30,00 RON
Grilled boneless chicken legs |
Cuisses de poulet gril desossées28,00 RON28,00 RON
2 buc./100g
Ciocanele pui, rosie, ardei gras, usturoi |
Chicken brine with polenta (chicken coop, tomato, bell pepper, garlic) |
Saumure de poulet avec polenta (poulailler, tomate, mardi gras, ail)30,00 RON30,00 RON
3 buc./250g
Fried chicken wings |
Ailes de poulet28,00 RON28,00 RON
Friptură de pește
Grilled fish Poisson biftec
1 buc./300g
Grilled/fried trout |
Truite grillé/frite35,00 RON35,00 RON
Fried anchovy |
Anchois frite22,00 RON22,00 RON
Fish brine, polenta |
Saumure de poisson polenta35,00 RON35,00 RON
200g/200g45,00 RON45,00 RON
Friptură vită
Beef steak | Steak de boeuf
Sirloin beef, crouton, vegetables |
Filet de boeuf, crouton, legumes55,00 RON55,00 RON
Sirloin beef peasant, french fries sliced, egg |
Filet de boeuf paysan, frites roundelles, oeuf55,00 RON55,00 RON
Barbeque | Barbecue
1 buc.
Muștar și pâine |
Grilled minced meat rolls, mustard, bread |
Rouleaux viande hachée grilles, moutarde, pain7,00 RON7,00 RON
Pork chop |
Cotelette de porc28,00 RON28,00 RON
Pork neck |
Cou de porc28,00 RON28,00 RON
Grilled pork sausage |
Saucisse de porc grilée22,00 RON22,00 RON
Peasant's pork sausages |
Saucisses de porc paysannes30,00 RON30,00 RON
Sheep pastrami, polenta, garlic sauce |
Mouton pastrami, polenta, sauce d'ail48,00 RON48,00 RON
Salads | Salades
Piept pui, salată verde, ardei gras, brânză feta, dressing, oregano |
Chicken breast, green salad, bell pepper, feta cheese, dressing, oregano |
Poitrine de poulet, laitue, mardi gras, feta fromage, dressing, oregano25,00 RON25,00 RON
100g, 100g, 50g, 50g
Roșii, castraveți, ceapă, telemea |
Tomato, cucumbers, onion, cottage chees |
Tomate, concombres, oignon, fromage frais17,00 RON17,00 RON
Cabbage salad |
Salade de chou10,00 RON10,00 RON
Beetroot salad |
Salade de betterave10,00 RON10,00 RON
Peasant pickles |
Cornichons paysans10,00 RON10,00 RON
Baled pepper salad |
Salade de poivrons au four12,00 RON12,00 RON
Sour cabbage with paprika |
Chou aigre au paprika10,00 RON10,00 RON
Green salad |
Salade verte10,00 RON10,00 RON
150g, 40g, 10g
Cornichon salad, green onion dill |
Salade de concombre, oignon verte, aneth8,00 RON8,00 RON
100g, 70g, 30g
Roșii, castraveți, ceapă |
Assorted tomato salad, cucumber, onion |
Assortiment de salade de tomates, concombre, oignon10,00 RON10,00 RON
200g Red onion salad | Salade de
oignon rouge10,00 RON10,00 RON
Side dish Garnitures
Rustic potatoes |
Pommes de terre rustiques20,00 RON20,00 RON
French fries |
Frites 14,00 RON14,00 RON
250g, 100g
French fries with salty cheese |
Frites avec fromage20,00 RON20,00 RON
Curly potatoes |
Pommes de terre frisées14,00 RON14,00 RON
Mashed potatoes |
Purée de pommes de terre14,00 RON14,00 RON
Sautéed mushrooms with garlic |
Champignon sauté avec ail14,00 RON14,00 RON
Rice |
Riz14,00 RON14,00 RON
200 g
Natur potatoes |
Natur pommes de terre14,00 RON14,00 RON
250g -
40g, 40g, 40g, 40g, 40g, 50g
Ciuperci, ardei, ceapa, dovlecel, vinete, rosii |
Grilled vegetables:
Mushrooms, peppers, onions, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes |
Légumes grillés:
De champignons, de poivrons, d'oignons, de courgettes, d'aubergines, de tomates17,00 RON17,00 RON
Bun bread 2 pieces |
Pain chignon 2 piece6,00 RON6,00 RON
Polenta6,00 RON6,00 RON
Sour cream |
Crème fraîche5,00 RON5,00 RON
Mayonnaise5,00 RON5,00 RON
Garlic sauce |
Sauce d’ail 5,00 RON5,00 RON
Horseradish sauce |
Sauce au raifort5,00 RON5,00 RON
100 g
Sweet/spicy tomato sauce |
Sauce tomate douce/ piquante5,00 RON5,00 RON
Garlic sauce |
Sauce d’ail5,00 RON5,00 RON
This is a section of your menu, customize it any way you want.
Afine, vișine, fructe de pădure, căpșuni |
Sweet cheese, cream and jam pancakes 2 pieces (cranberries, cherry, forest fruits, strawberries) |
Crepes au fromage sucré, creme et confiture (canneberges, cerise, fruits des bois, fraises)25,00 RON25,00 RON
Simple rustic donuts |
Beignets rustiques simple15,00 RON15,00 RON
Rustic donuts with chocolat/jam |
Bbeignets rustiques avec chocolate/confiture20,00 RON20,00 RON
20g, 50g
Finetti and banana pancakes 2 pieces |
Crepes aux finetti et bananes 2 pieces20,00 RON20,00 RON
Finetti, fructe de padure, afine/lapte, oua, faina |
Pancakes 2 pieces
Finetti, forest fruits, cranberries/milk, eggs, flour |
Crepes 2 pieces
Finetti, forest fruits, canneberges/lait, oeufs, farine20,00 RON20,00 RON
200 g vanilie/ cacao/ fructe de pădure/ frișcă/ topping |
Ice cream: vanilla/ cocoa/ berry/whipped cream / topping |
Glace: vanille / cacao / baies / chantilly / topping20,00 RON20,00 RON
Salam, șuncă presata, mozarela, ardei, ciuperci, măsline, sos tomate |
Pizza Jianca small size:
Salami, ham, mozzarella, pepper, mushrooms, olives, tomato sauce |
Pizza Jianca petite taille:
Salami, jambon, mozzarella, poivron, champignon, olives, sauce tomate26,00 RON26,00 RON
Salam, șuncă presata, mozarela, ardei, ciuperci, măsline, sos tomate |
Pizza Jianca large size:
Salami, ham, mozzarella, pepper, mushrooms, olives, tomato sauce |
Pizza Jianca grande taille:
Salami, jambon, mozzarella, poivron, champignon, olives, sauce tomate35,00 RON35,00 RON
30,00 RON30,00 RON
950 g | Icre 125 g, Salată de vinete 125 g, Ardei gras 100 g, Ceapă roșie 100 g, Mușchi de porc 50 g, Salam de Sibiu 50 g, Pastramă de Pui 50 g, Șuncă presată de porc 50 g, Tobă 50 g, Brânză de vacă 50 g, Cașcaval 50 g, Măsline 50 g, Roșii 50 g, Castraveți 50 g110,00 RON110,00 RON
900 g | Roșii 200 g, Castraveți 200 g, Măsline 100 g, Telemea de vacă 100 g, Brânză de capră 100 g, Telemea de Oaie 100 g, Cașcaval 100 g120,00 RON120,00 RON
1270 g | Caltaboș 100 g, Chifteluțe 100 g, Slănină afumată 100 g, Tobă 100 g, Jumări 100 g, Fasole bătută 100 g, Zacuscă de legume 100 g, Ceapă roșie 100 g, Castraveți 100 g, Ardei gras 100 g, Brânză de vacă 100 g, Șorici 70 g, Cașcaval de oaie afumat 50 g, Măsline 50 g150,00 RON150,00 RON
1200 g | Somon afumat 200 g, Șprot afumat 200 g, Macrou afumat 200 g, Hering marinat 200 g, Icre 100 g, Măsline 100 g, Lămâie 100 g, Ceapă 100 g150,00 RON150,00 RON
3200 g | Cartofi Jianca 600 g, Mici din carne de porc și vită 450 g, Coaste de porc la ceaun 400 g, Ceafă de porc 400 g, Ficăței de pui 300 g, Murături 300 g, Carne de porc 250 g, Cârnați de porc 200 g, Pastramă de oaie 200 g, Muștar 100 g265,00 RON265,00 RON
1200 g | Aripioare Barbeque 200 g, Cartofi țărănești 400 g, Pui cu susan 200 g, Ficăței la cuptor 150 g, Cubulete de cașcaval 150 g, Castraveți murați 50 g, Gogoșari murați 50 g120,00 RON120,00 RON
1700 g | Mici din carne de porc și vită 450 g, Cartofii aurii 350 g, Cotlet porc 250 g, Piept de pui 250 g, Cârnați de porc 200 g, Murături 200 g120,00 RON120,00 RON
2100 g | Ceafă de porc 400 g, Cartofi prăjiți 400 g, Murături 300 g, Pui shanghai 250 g, Ficăței în bacon 200 g, Cârnați de porc 200 g, Aripioare barbeque 200 g, Inele de Ceapă 150 g180,00 RON180,00 RON
1900 g | Cartofi țărănești 400 g, Ciocănele la ceaun 200 g, Piept de pui 200 g, Pulpe de pui dezosate la grătar 200 g, Ficăței de pui 200 g, Ceafă de porc 200 g, Cârnați de porc 200 g, Murături 200 g, Mujdei 100 g180,00 RON180,00 RON
1600 g | Macrou la grătar 400 g, Cartofi natur 300 g, Rondele de Somon la Cuptor 200 g, Păstrăv la grătar 200 g, Crochete de pește 200 g, Mujdei 100 g, Broccoli 100 g, Lămâie 100 g180,00 RON180,00 RON
Băuturi calde
Hot drinks Boissons chaudes
Espresso small
Espresso court7,00 RON7,00 RON
Espresso long
Espresso longue7,00 RON7,00 RON
Espresso double14,00 RON14,00 RON
9,00 RON9,00 RON
Coffee with milk
Caffè latte15,00 RON15,00 RON
ness, lapte, inghetata, topping ciocolata, frisca
Frappe classic
ness, milk, ice cream, chocolate topping, cream
Frappé clasique
ness, lait, crème glacée, topping du chocolat, crème fouettée20,00 RON20,00 RON
Natural tea
Thé naturel8,00 RON8,00 RON
Hot chocolate
Chocolat chaud9,00 RON9,00 RON
Băuturi răcoritoare
Soft drinks Rafraîchissements
Classic, Zero, Lime7,00 RON7,00 RON
Classic, Zero12,00 RON12,00 RON
7,00 RON7,00 RON
12,00 RON12,00 RON
7,00 RON7,00 RON
12,00 RON12,00 RON
9,00 RON9,00 RON
Kinley, Mandarin, Bitter lemon8,00 RON8,00 RON
12,00 RON12,00 RON
6,00 RON6,00 RON
10,00 RON10,00 RON
10,00 RON10,00 RON
6,00 RON6,00 RON
10,00 RON10,00 RON
10,00 RON10,00 RON
simplă/cu mentă proaspătă/ cu căpșuni
simple/fresh mint/strawberry
simple/menthe frais/fraise20,00 RON20,00 RON
15,00 RON15,00 RON
15,00 RON15,00 RON
Beer Bier
9,00 RON9,00 RON
9,00 RON9,00 RON
9,00 RON9,00 RON
Alcohol free
Sans alcool9,00 RON9,00 RON
9,00 RON9,00 RON
9,00 RON9,00 RON
9,00 RON9,00 RON
12,00 RON12,00 RON
12,00 RON12,00 RON
7,00 RON7,00 RON
9,00 RON9,00 RON
9,00 RON9,00 RON
Vin alb
White wine Vin blanche
12,5% alcool